Shashi Future Foundation : Compaign Details

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Brightness to our community

Light Up Village: Streetlight for Every Corner

  • Raised: 4,108.00
  • Goal: 1.45 lac

In our village, the streets go dark at sunset, making it difficult for families to move around safely after dark. Children returning from school, women fetching water, and workers coming back from the fields are often left to navigate the shadows. Without proper street lighting, the risks of accidents and incidents increase, impacting our quality of life and safety.

Our goal is to raise funds to install solar-powered street lights across the village, providing sustainable, long-lasting lighting solutions. Each donation helps us light up a street, creating a safer, more vibrant community where everyone can walk freely, even after the sun sets.

Join us in brightening our village! Your support will shine a light of hope and safety for all.

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